Mumma Moment: Gemma Gillard

One of the most vibrant, exciting, vivacious mamas we have the pleasure to know firsthand, Gemma has created two of the most gorgeous bebes we have ever laid eyes on! Always on the go with her energetic little ones in tow, Gemma is forever bursting with love and vivacity. We love these pics by Tara Samuelson of Gemma with her youngest, Vega. 

Tell me about your family?

Some days I feel like we are the most laid back family on the planet! We live by the beach and pretty much let Scout (our 3 year old boy) decide what we will do for the day because he loves an adventure just as much as we do! 

Aside from being a mum, what are you most passionate about?

I am really loving photography and feel like it is such a good creative outlet for me since becoming a mum! I only take photos of the kids, but I love it! 

Kids names and why you chose them? 

Scout is our 3 year old boy- my partner Morris came up with it from Harper Lee's book "To kill a mocking bird" I said no originally because I thought it was a girls name but I couldn't get the name out of my head.

Vega is our 1 year old girl. I am secretly obsessed with criminal shows like criminal minds and law and order. There is a detective on one of the criminal shows called The mentalist and her surname on the show was Vega

Why do you feel it's so important to use social media as a platform to share so many honest truths (and keep it real!)?

For me, it links back to my passion for photography! I just love taking photos of the kids, in the moment. I never force anything upon them, they just explore and that camera is around my neck 24/7- if I get a good shot, then bonus! I feel like social media is a great way to share these moments, along with sharing some of the weird and funny stuff Scout says. 

How has motherhood influenced your style?

I've always been in to fashion- both new and recycled! And I feel like my style is still the same- but maybe a little more breastfeeding friendly- but I'm so good at breastfeeding now I could probably figure out how to get my boob out of a wetsuit if a baby needed a feed. 

Where are your favourite places to shop for your kids?

Op shop! People always comment on the kids clothes and most of the time they are vintage gems I've scored from the op shop. It's better for the environment and my wallet! And they are always wearing something unique. 

What are the biggest lessons motherhood has taught you?

To be really, really patient! Haha and it's taught me how to be really selfless and put these little people first- and it's taught me how much I can love. 

What is the biggest highlight of your parenthood journey so far?

Vega's birth! I mean, both births were great because of the end result. But Scout's birth was so traumatic and ended in an emergency c section. I studied my whole pregnancy with Vega on how to get a natural birth and when I succeeded, it was such a good feeling. 

How has your relationship with your own mum influenced the relationship you have with your kids?

My mum and I have such a great relationship, one that has definitely gotten even stronger since having kids of my own. Her relationship with her mother was never that great, so I think she was always really conscious on what not to do and how she wanted to raise us. I think that has just passed down on to me and how I talk and listen to the kids.  

When it comes to raising your children, what are the most important values you hope to instil in them?

More than anything I want them to be kind and understanding of everyone. Scout has such a gentle nature already and I love that- and hope he passes that down to his sister too. 

What's the best thing about mums?

We have such a good little community of mums on the coast! A lot of us know each other and hang out all the time. We are all raising our kids differently, but no one judges what the other mum does. 

What would you say your motherhood mantra is?

I've always had to remind myself of the mantra "this too shall pass" and it's always been one that's gotten me through some sleepless nights and some screaming fests with both the kids. 

Advice for mums-to-be?

Just take every day as it comes- and it does get easier! 

Gemma wears our Cisco dress in Amethyst, Bambi wears Bambita Kids Milo Romper.

Location: Trader Trove.