Behind the scenes with Christina

"I am an actor, writer and - as ridiculous as I think it is that I am - a model. 
Modelling is something I've delved into in the past, but it's only really taken off and become a career in the last year or two. For reasons that will have to be saved for another time, I've never considered myself worthy to be a model; often finding myself overcome with a mixture of anxiety and hilarity that people are willing to pay me to front their brand. 
The only reason - I believe - I can carry out brand campaigns and editorials with a confidence worthy of a photograph, is to pretend and to act. Acting as the character I believe the campaign wants is how I pull off doing something I still feel I'm under qualified for. 
However, sometimes you meet curators and designers who want a mix - they want a character, but they also want you. This was the case with the designer duo of Nine Lives. 
The women behind the brand radiate sunshine; they believe in creating special pieces that give homage to a time when the first slice of women empowerment, social justice and freedom-for-all were seeping through the cracks of a restrictive system. 
The girls wanted to create a story of the past - a tale of a 60's housewife slowly becoming bored of her role, and breaking free from her duties to instead drink, smoke, dance and pretty much do whatever the hell she wanted. She is crazy and chaotic and confused - much like we all are or at least can, at times, become. 
For me, I identify with the past - especially the late '60s/early '70s. I often find myself so engrossed in stories and songs, poetry and written passages that I become nostalgic of a time I wasn't even close to being born in. We're all searching; we all get a little bored, a little chaotic and confused. And for me, that's what makes the adventure worth it. 
Rose & Vanessa: it was a pleasure shooting with you guys, we captured a moment from the present reminiscent of the past, and I hope there's more to come :)"