NLB Mumma's

It might be news to most that the majority of our team are actually mum's! In honour of Mother's Day this year, we sat down with the mum’s in our team - discussing motherhood, the work juggle, great learnings and the tools they try to implement to ensure they stay true to them amongst the wild and wonderful moments of being a mum. 

Rose - Creative Director & Co-Founder

Tell us who makes up your family?

My three babes Bella (6), Lola (nearly 4), River (1), my husband Ryan and our gorgeous golden dog Sugar.

Being a working mumma and trying to juggle everything that comes with that – what are some self care practices that you try to incorporate in your life to try and balance it all and take care of you? 

Self care is a realm I am still learning to navigate! One of the most important things for me, especially when I feel overwhelmed with life, is to do something that makes me feel like 'me' again. I love getting lost in a good audiobook and doing this whilst cleaning or driving to work is my ultimate mum hack haha! I also adore book club evenings with my girlfriends - it’s a chance to unwind, and connect with my mumma community without our kids climbing all over us! A bath and a glass of wine at the end of the day helps me really unwind too. 

What's your all-time favourite part about being a mum? 

Seeing the centre of your universe change right before your eyes. It's really like my heart has been ripped from my chest, and now wanders around the house on tiny gorgeous little pairs of feet. It's the most beautiful thing, learning to love like that. I adore watching my kids as they grow and evolve. I'm completely obsessed with them (when they are happy little beings, that is!).

What is your favourite way to spend family time?

Camping adventures always. We just love to get away in our caravan and explore new places or visit old favourites. Always the best memories made on the road! 

What have been some of the greatest learnings from your journey into motherhood? 

How to have patience! That the thing about it taking a village to raise a child is insanely true - I couldn't do it without my fellow mamas. That being a mum is hard work. It's unrelenting. At times it can be mad, chaotic, frustrating and very intense. But, in between all that, being a mum is the sweetest, most rewarding and purely spectacular journey you can embark upon. 

How has your style evolved as a mum? 

Secrets are with age! My style has just evolved to be more practical.  That means dressing for comfort always, but also being able to have a little bit of fun and wear my style on my sleeve with bold colour palettes and statement prints. I just love getting changed into an outfit and having my girls say “wow mummy, you look amazing, can I dress like you!?”

Tell us your favourite mum hack, podcasts, books or any advice you wish to impart?

I’m all about an audiobook these days - pop the earpods in while driving or cleaning and I can get totally lost in that amongst the sometimes mundane tasks of mum life! 

Ness - Creative Director & Co-Founder

Tell us who makes up your family?

My son Oscar, baby girl Lily, husband Stein and dog Ru! 

Being a working mumma and trying to juggle everything that comes with that – what are some self care practices that you try to incorporate in your life to try and balance it all and take care of you? 

I definitely like to enjoy a bit of ‘me’ time but honestly as a bit of an extrovert, my go-to self care is to have a few drinks and catch up with my friends. Nothing revitalises me more than a good old banter with my nearest and dearest. 

What's your all-time favourite part about being a mum? 

Watching my little ones' faces brighten up in play. In those moments all the frustration I get from the chaos of having two busy kids is washed away. I am in awe watching them grow and develop into little people with their unique personalities and traits! 

What is your favourite way to spend family time?

Warm weekends down at our favourite beaches with our group of friends (we’re outnumbered by kids these days!), and exploring new camping spots in  our caravan - we recently went away for the Easter holidays and whilst it’s not totally relaxing with small children haha it’s nice to mentally check out for a few days and just enjoy time together! 

What have been some of the greatest learnings from your journey into motherhood? 

To be content with small wins - whether it’s doing a load of washing, cleaning one room, doing an op shop run, online ordering the groceries for the week, the kids eating their  whole dinner, having 10 minutes of me time. If I've achieved at least something from start to finish I feel at least a little bit accomplished. From someone who lives quite a frantic life and likes to tick a lot off in a day,  I have had to accept that baby steps are still steps after all. 

How has your style evolved as a mum? 

I definitely gravitate towards our easy-to-wear styles that I can run around after children and work in with ease haha the Empire dress is my ultimate go-to for week day dressing, but I do like to have a bit of fun with styling on the weekends! 

Tell us your favourite mum hack, podcasts, books or any advice you wish to impart?

Band together with your fellow mums. We have our own little mums group that we affectionately named the Tweed Shire MILF club and it's an incredible community of like minded mumma’s that hang out with our kids every Friday at the beach/park/pub and offload our weeks worries, highlights and of course share our hand-me-downs. We even have a Facebook group where everyone posts looking for advice on different kid related questions.

Libby - Business Operations Manager 

Tell us who makes up your family?

My partner Tom, Henry our 5mth old and our 2 sphynx cats; Neko & Yoshi! 

Being a working mumma and trying to juggle everything that comes with that – what are some self care practices that you try to incorporate in your life to try and balance it all and take care of you? 

It’s so tough to fit this in now with Henry in the mix, but I do try and make it to the gym a couple of times per week and take some time out where I can to hide with a wine and my kindle to zone out .

What's your all-time favourite part about being a mum?

Definitely seeing Henry grow and change, and the quiet times before the sun rises when we will cuddle in bed and he smiles and chats with me - those smiles and little hand touches to my face make this journey worth it and helps negate the tough days.

What is your favourite way to spend family time?

We at the moment love taking a walk around our neighbourhood in the morning with a coffee or visiting the farmers market on a Sunday morning. We also try to do one overseas holiday a year - this year it's South Korea and Japan and will be the first one with Henry. - so wish us luck

What have been some of the greatest learnings from your journey into motherhood?

That it is hard work! ha there is so much on our shoulders as a mum and how much our little one really depends on us for everything - i really went into this thinking my partner would be doing 50% of everything as that's how our relationship works, but it doesn't happen that way at first- as mum you quickly become the guru when it comes to bubs schedule and needs, you are all he wants at first. It's also wild how much love you find your heart can hold for this little human being, just seeing him smile and laugh makes me feel like it will burst with how much i adore him and i can't imagine a life where i didn't have him. 

Also how many sittings it now takes to watch a movie ha we are constantly interrupted or find we haven't got the time or energy to just sit and watch a movie from start to finish!

How has your style evolved as a mum?

Well I definitely can't make crops or fitted dresses work anymore ha, i'm also still not quite back in shape enough to fit into my jeans, so my style has kind of stayed similar to what i was wearing pregnant - oversized everything! Also still wearing a lot of activewear - bike shorts, oversized tees and runners - the usual postpartum mum uniform! I'm also now choosing flowy and longer NLB pieces to wear.

Tell us your favourite mum hack, podcasts, books or any advice you wish to impart?

Hmm app wise Little Ones Baby Sleep app was a godsend - it took out all the guesswork when we started sleep training at 3 months and made our lives so much easier. I also swear by getting a Kindle. I read 2-3 books a week when I first had Henry as I was nap-trapped or stuck on the couch for hours feeding and you only have one hand free so I couldn't hold a normal paperback and you don't need a light on for it. I swear it kept me sane during the night time feeds, instead of overthinking and being aware of the lack of sleep I was getting I would just get lost in a book.

Gemmah - Marketing Specialist 
Tell us who makes up your family?

My fiancé Samm, our one year old daughter Goldie, old boy Bobby the dog & me! 

Being a working mumma and trying to juggle everything that comes with that – what are some self care practices that you try to incorporate in your life to try and balance it all and take care of you?

Oh gosh, definitely something I'm still trying to figure out if I'm being perfectly honest. I’m actually really enjoying having that part of myself back after nearly a year of maternity leave but it definitely takes a whole other level of life organisation with me working and Goldie being at daycare a couple of days a week! I always make sure on the days I'm not working to get outside and go for a walk, go down to the creek or catch up with another mum friend with our kiddies. A wine and unpack of the day with my partner or a friend feels therapeutic too these days haha. 

What's your all-time favourite part about being a mum?

The unconditional, endless love. And it’s hard to believe it just continues to grow every single day! Being Goldie’s mum is hands down my most favourite thing ever, nothing beats it! It makes me emotional to even think about it sometimes, just how special these moments are with her.

What is your favourite way to spend family time?

Just the simple moments – days down the creek or going on a big walk together. We’re yet to take Goldie camping but it’s definitely high on our list of things to do soon and I know that will be my favourite way to make memories with her! 

What have been some of the greatest learnings from your journey into motherhood?

To try and not let the small things bother me too much. As hard as it is in some moments - everything is temporary and whatever they’re fussing about at the time (suddenly refusing naps, waking every hour..not sleeping at all!) is over before you realise and they’re onto the next thing! We talk about this stuff all the time in the office – everything really is just a phase!

How has your style evolved as a mum? 

Hmm I definitely found that I went through a bit of a style identity crisis when I was early postpartum and breastfeeding but finally found my groove and feel like I just dress the way I always did now - comfy, and oversized everything most of the time! 

Tell us your favourite mum hack, podcasts, books or any advice you wish to impart?

I love listening to the Beyond The Bump poddy! The hosts are great conversationalists and just makes me feel like I'm having a chat with fellow mum friends!  They also unpack a lot of mum & parenting stuff in a really casual way most of the time that i’ve found really interesting and often helpful in this somewhat new season of life! Also love listening to Happy Hour With Lucy & Nikki for the lols of all their hilarious adventures that i’m not doing right now haha.

Anna - Design & Production Manager

Tell us who makes up your family? 

My husband Reece, 10month old baby boy Vali, fluffy dog Henry and me!

Being a working mumma and trying to juggle everything that comes with that – what are some self care practices that you try to incorporate in your life to try and balance it all and take care of you?

A shower alone, uninterrupted! haha Pilates twice a week and a surf on weekends.

What's your all-time favourite part about being a mum?

The fact that you are their home <3 and how stoked they are to see you every time you come into a room.

What is your favourite way to spend family time?

Afternoons when Reece gets home we always go for a family stroll around our neighbourhood and unpack our days. Lifes simple moments.

What have been some of the greatest learnings from your journey into motherhood?

“Everything’s a phase” something rose told me that has stuck with me!

How has your style evolved as a mum? 

I generally wear pretty loose / oversized styles so if there’s no buttons or openings at the front I just tend to wear shorts under everything!

Tell us your favourite mum hack, podcasts, books or any advice you wish to impart?

If you can’t get your Bub to sleep, pop them in the carrier and start vacuuming! You’ll have a sleeping baby in minutes and your floors will have never looked so good!

Amy - Design & Production Assistant

Tell us who makes up your family? 

My hubby David aka Lamby, and my 2 little lambs - Teddy (5) and Lottie (2).

What's your all-time favourite part about being a mum?

All time favourite part has to be making them giggle /seeing them smile/morning snuggles/ the newborn smell (omg it's too hard to pick one lol).

What have been some of the greatest learnings from your journey into motherhood?

You can't control everything, so just roll with it! To live in the moment.  

Flexibility is key- let them be their own person and support them. 
How has your style evolved as a mum?

My style is definitely more casual these days- bike shorts and a big oversized shirt / tee! I love a good NLB sack dress! I also try to avoid wearing white at all time lol.