Bazaar Babe - Vintage Glamour Mama

Welcome to the world of Lizzie (@vintage.glamour.mama)! She's a vintage-loving, interior decorator and mama who epitomises old Hollywood glamour. We've been following this style icon for years and love to see her bold fashion choices and her matching mini outfits with her daughter, Dita. Style is such an innate thing and Lizzie embodies the true spirit of a NLB Bazaar Babe - bold and vibrant with a retro flair. We find out about Lizzie and chat all things from fashion to motherhood and her journey with the work/mum life balance.

Tell us a little about yourself- who you are, where you’re from and what sets your soul on fire? 

My name is Lizzie aka Vintage Glamour Mama and I’m originally from Scotland. I grew up in Sussex, Cambridge and eventually moved to London when I was 19 as a fashion intern.

I am a creative soul- vintage fashion and interior decorating are my two passions which I juggle around my main priority which is my husband and children.

You’re a wife, step mama and mama, tell us a little about your motherhood journey so far?

I became a step mama when I was 26 and whilst I was overjoyed to have this beautiful little person in my life, it was an adjustment! At the time I was a hard working career gal, working 70 hour weeks and partying on the weekends, suddenly I had Jarvis throwing open the bedroom door at 6am on a Saturday to make a den or play Lego. It was a total shock to the system but I loved the journey so much!

It actually made my journey as a biological mother very easy, because I had already adjusted to putting myself second behind children. You become less selfish as a parent and when Dita came along a few years later I felt that transition was just so lovely and natural.

I adore my children so much!

We just love seeing your matching outfits with your daughter. How would you describe your styles and where are your favourite places to shop for mum and mini outfits?

I love to match with Dita! And she loves it too! When we twin, everyone compliments us and she loves the attention! My style is eclectic and glamorous, but I have tried very hard not to push that too much onto Dita, so she can be her own person, which she definitely is! She is the main character! That’s why I love that she wants to twin because I haven’t forced it, she picks out her own clothes. Nine Lives Bazaar (naturally!) and Chain Designs are my fave for twinning outfits, also I love various online vintage shops too!

What are your top 3 styling tips?

1. Always follow your gut instinct and use that as your compass to direct ideas and purchases. Your style, your rules! Don’t copy others or do things just because you think you ‘should’. We can’t help what we’re drawn to, it’s just our own personal style! Celebrate that!

2. Look at your body and dress it to compliment your best bits. We don’t all suit every style of clothing. Accentuate all your best features.

3. Try to avoid fast fashion. Save up,  up-cycle, reuse and buy beautiful pieces and make them last for decades.

You’re an avid fashion lover, has your style evolved since becoming a mum?

It has definitely evolved! I can look like a right old scruff these days. I drop off Dita at school every morning in a tracksuit with last nights makeup (I’m terrible I know) and I look so different at pickup once I’m dressed and glammed up. I’m not a morning person, what can I say!

Favourite mum hack?

We travel a lot and I have mastered the art of packing us up! On the outbound journey we all have our own outfits in our own bags, but returning, I merge all our clothes; all unworn clothes goes in one bag, then with dirty washing, I put dark colours in one, white colours in another etc. When we get in, I line up the bags and just open one at a time. The dirty washing goes straight in the washing machine and it massively reduces suitcase chaos when you return home!

What is something that your mother figure passed down to you, that you look forward to sharing with your daughter?

My mum very kindly brought me lots of treasures down from Scotland, that belonged to my late Grandma. I will pass these onto Dita one day!

Do you have any mantras or daily rituals that you live by?

I have a small glass of wine and some cheese every night at 6pm before dinner. Probably not the healthiest ritual! But it's my wind down. However I contemplated recently swapping that for CBD oil and yoga because Dita loves doing yoga too. So let’s see!

You’re also an interior decorator. How do you balance the mum/work life?

I don’t feel I have the balancing right at all. I’m either all guns blazing or I’m recovering. When I have a project on I work late into the night. I’m very fortunate though, I have the luxury to pick and choose work, so this summer I had a lovely break and got some really beautiful family time.

Where are your favourite places to shop for homewares?

Charity shops in the outskirts of east London! A treasure trove of total bargains!

Where do you draw inspiration from when styling and decorating?

I look to glamorous stars of the past. I love old Hollywood and I loved their homes. Photographers like Slim Aaron’s captured that time so well. I also love film and draw so much inspiration from that.

What’s next for Lizzie?

Some very exciting interiors projects this autumn! I can’t wait to share!

Follow Lizzie's Journey

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